Matthew 7:7

Having Relationship with God precedes all others. When we know God’s heart through His Word, we are able to communicate His love to others, for others and over ourselves. God desires the best for us. We start from asking, move to seeking, and then knock with purpose to gain entry to God’s best for us, which is His blessing.

Baruch HaShem Adonai ❤️💒🕊️🕎🙏🏽

The Drought is Over Now

It’s been raining non-stop for over 6 hours now. Not sprinkling, but actually strong, hard hitting rain. As I tuned in to listen to the rain, I could hear GOD telling me that the “Drought was over.” It wasn’t about the hard soil and dry trees. It was about certain areas in our lives that had not been fulfilled yet. About goals and dreams not accomplished. About new relationships that had been placed on hold for one reason or another. About new wealth to enhance your living and bless ministries and mission trips. About new ideas, technology, and books written still dormant in your hearts.

And last, but certainly not the least of, seeing the Manifestation of GOD’S movement in your lives to see more intimacy, increased sharing of HIS goodness with and towards others. GOD wants the world to see how HE blesses HIS people. GOD wants the world to see and taste HIS favor along with HIS propensity to heal and save them. We must be available to answer the call. We must be available in time and resources. We must be available in season or not, with HIS Word, Spirit, and the Power/Authority that resides in the name of Jesus. We must be available in Faith every second of the hour and every hour of the day.

Who will answer the call now that the Drought is over? Who will receive and share of their harvest?

1Kings 18:1 NLT

Later on, in the third year of the drought, the LORD said to Elijah, “Go and present yourself to King Ahab. Tell him that I will soon send rain!”

James 5:18 TPT

Then he prayed again and the skies opened up over the land so that the rain came again and produced the harvest.

My Best Friend

It always seemed remarkable to me for prophets to give the address of where people live. Even the telephone numbers! I was like “WoW!” Then the Lord reminded me HE takes me inside of people’s homes. I actually see the inside of a stranger’s home and can describe it in detail to them. It’s an incredible intimate moment shared with strangers while praying over and for them. They know that GOD sees them and cares about their complete and total welfare. It gives them hope and encourages their faith. I believe since I’m able to “see” and “know,” it is a combination of the Word of Knowledge along with the Seer gift.

Sometimes I visit homes in my sleep. When I wake up, Precious HOLY SPIRIT will give me the unction of who the home belongs to. That can be verified.

As I was asleep last night, I dreamed of a cabinet in my kitchen. I use it for the really large pots. I dreamed of it being opened and hearing noises like something was in there. I shook that dream off quickly. This morning before making coffee, I heard a cabinet open and turned around to see my kitty walking into the cabinet. I ran over and pulled him out. I have simple childlike locks on the knobs to keep him from doing that, but I suppose he’s been slowly working at the lock all this time. Then I remembered my dream.

GOD is constantly showing us, speaking to and with us, and inviting us for more and more revelation. It can be simple. It can be deep. HE desires to be our Best Friend. Allow HIM that place in your Heart. HE won’t disappoint you. HE can cause you to laugh and love more. We can all go for that. And since HE is your best friend, don’t forget to introduce HIM to your new and old friends. HE loves introductions💖
No one makes an introduction like GOD💖

Song of Solomon 5:16 ~
His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.

Proverbs 22:11 ~
He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.

Proverbs 17:17 ~
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Deep State Dream

There was this small dark building. Men worked there giving and following orders. It was a tense and hateful place. It’s sole purpose was to come against President Donald Trump, his constituents, and changes.

There were very specific instructions given for the “traps” laid out to harm and rebuke his authority.

If any of the people in this group accidentally strayed from the SOP or were sloppy in following direct orders/instructions, they were immediately dealt with through torture, being removed, and possibly having a family member suffer a similar fate.

This operation had one goal: To remove Trump from the office of POTUS. And to stranglehold any decisions made by him that would offset what had been in place (most likely undercover from the general public) for decades.

I actually was in the dream to experience and witness the cruelty and suffering of those working there.

At the end of the dream, GOD spoke to me what was Tweeted the following morning.

Be Like the Cutting Horse

I was looking at a video of one of the most successful “cutting horses” in the USA. He brilliantly displayed his gift at the leading of his rider. He went head to head with the separated cattle.

I heard God softly say, “This is how His children are meant to move.”

What is a “cutting horse?”

Merriam Webster defines a cutting horse:

: an agile saddle horse trained to separate individual animals from a cattle herd.

The cutting horse meets the cattle’s every turn to the right or left. His head meets the cattle’s head. His steps are ahead of the cattle’s. The horse has no trouble keeping the cattle separated as long as it is required by his rider. The cattle may be perplexed, but does not gain re-entry to the herd until the cutting horse allows it.

As mature Christians, we should be able to separate ourselves from worldly behaviors, evil disguised as good, violence opposed to peace, and gossip over truth. We should not be pulled into prolonged communication that merits nothing for the Kingdom of God, but instead, pits Christians against one another due to personal beliefs which may or may not be politically motivated. We should be setting the example of the love of Jesus, as opposed to calling each other names and making innuendos against each other’s characters.

Be like the cutting horse and separate strife, jealousy, conflict, and possible anger, with the love and peace of God before anything unseemly of your character in Christ can be called into question. Separate the enemy in the atmosphere with prayer and the Word of GOD.

Don’t allow anyone to separate you from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35). Do not act like unbelievers as you have been admonished to come out from among them (2 Corinthians 6:17).

Remember, GOD separated Light from Darkness and you should too.

Wound Carriers Be Healed

There are many in the Body of Christ who have been hurt mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This can be particularly true with Prophets and those completely unaware they have been marked with the mantle of a prophet.

These hurts and pain suffered, cut and sliced you through rejection, betrayal, lies, and jealousy. If the cut was severe enough, you bled out spiritually and flesh took over for your survival.

Arise and be refreshed, restored, and renewed.

Burn with the passion of GOD towards HIS people within you. Commune in HIS intimacy and drink of HIS love. Anoint the atmosphere with your praise and worship. Become drenched in the solitude of HIS Presence.

1 Peter 5:10 ~ ESV

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

GOD is establishing you to being whole and better than before. HE is watching over and covering you with the Balm of Gilead. He is perfecting you through the persecution and suffering. Have faith in HIM to see yourself flourish in HIS Spirit.

Psalm 34:17-20 ~ ESV

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Malachi 4:2 ~ NLT

“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.

Christ “Crucified” or “Commonality” of The Gospel?

Are you preaching Jesus Christ “crucified” or a “commonality” of the Gospel watered down per your special interests?

Our Glorious KING & SAVIOR did not speak words of Comfort. HE spoke words of Change.
HE stirred the minds, hearts, and very souls of those HE came in contact with. HIS presence and silence spoke Conviction.

We are not here for popularity. We are here because we have been given a mandate to share the Gospel and Change the world thru HIS Spirit. We are here to be used of GOD and to increase in HIS will for our lives and activate the kingdom of God within.

Mark 16:15 [KJV]
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

How dare any one of us to misalign the GOSPEL to suit a personal agenda. To make the division wider between Saints & Sinners. To obstruct the Good News with a private itinerary.

Leaders, you are held accountable for what you teach and feed your people, that they may become true disciples of JESUS CHRIST. Social Media can assist you, but if it becomes a snare, LET IT GO!!!